четверг, 15 марта 2012 г.

N. Side club carves a niche on S. Side: Lover of folk music shows culture doesn't stop at Madison St.

What this place is doing on the South Side, I'll never know. Thisis a North Side place.

To be precise, it's the North Side place that I wish had existedon the South Side when I was growing up on the South Side.

If I sound like I'm talking in riddles, sorry, but John Devensunderstands. That's why he and his wife, Julia Dusek-Devens, openedthis place, the World Folk Music Company, at 1808 W. 103rd St.,almost four years ago. Devens grew up on the South Side, too, inCanaryville, and this was the place he wished had been around backthen -- a place to take music lessons and go to shows and hang outwith other people who love acoustic music.

Instead, Devens says, …

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