четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Diary for Tuesday, August 27, 2002


1200 - Yellow Pages to release their Business Index - Small and Medium Enterprises. Downloadfrom www.sensis.com.au. Contact: Mikala Sabin 02 9201 4712, 0419 523 776.

ADELAIDENo items listed.

BRISBANE0800 - Minister for Innovation and Information Economy Paul Lucas to launch the SunshineCoast University's Innovation Centre. Innovation Centre, Sunshine Coast University, SippyDowns Drive, Sippy Downs. Contact: Alison Smith 3235 4550, 0407 166 084.

0830 - Queensland University of Technology Student Guild, University of Queensland Unionand the National Union of Students to protest against plans for education in the HigherEducation Review. 215 Adelaide Street, Brisbane City. Contact: Juanita Wheeler 0407 745475.

1015 - Queensland Nurses Union Industrial Relations Commission directions hearing on thearbitration of the QNU for better wages and conditions. 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane. Contact:Gay Hawksworth 0419 726 678, John Moran 3366 9010, 0410 603 278.

1200 - Queensland University of Technology Leaders' Forum with BHP Billiton chief executivePaul Anderson. Grand Ballroom, Level 5, Hilton Hotel, Elizabeth Street, Brisbane. Contact:Margaret Lawson 3864 2130.

1500 - Brisbane Bullets Open Day. Vince Hickey Basketball Stadium, 16 Dixon Street, Auchenflower.

Contact: Jason Healy 0409 587 801.

1500 - Puppetry of the Penis auditions. The Tivoli Theatre, 52 Costin Street, FortitudeValley. Contact: Kath Rose 3252 0930.

1900 - Brisbane Broncos Scott Prince and Ben Ikin to join the celebrations for Local Governmentand Planning Minister Nita Cunningham's announcement of Queensland's tidiest town for2002. Kondari Resort Convention Rooms, 49-63 Elizabeth Street, Urangan, Hervey Bay. Contact:Barton Green 3252 2886, 0411 702 209.

CANBERRA0845 - Federal Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane to visit the research facility for thefirst Australian-owned and built satellite in more than 30 years. Auspace Limited, GroundFloor, 50 Hoskins Street, Mitchell. Contact: Kirsty Boazman 02 6277 7580, 0412 171 444.

0900 - Progressive Unionist Party Leader in Northern Ireland David Irvine to speak atthe National Treaty Conference, National Convention Centre, Canberra. Contact: MartinFreckmann 0427 631 045 or Stuart Stark 02 9555 6138.

1030 - Primate of the Australian Anglican Church Dr Peter Carnley takes on issues whena panel of young people question him about sex abuse and the relevance of the church andalso stem cell research. Broadcast Studio, National Museum of Australia, Acton Peninsula,Canberra. Contact: Martin Portus 02 6208 5351.

1400 - House of Representatives and Senate sit.

1230 - Professor Lonnie King from University of Sydney's Faculty of Veterinary Scienceto address the National Press Club, Canberra. Contact: Libby Greig 9973 4825, 0418 194554.

MELBOURNE1100 - Melbourne acting Lord Mayor Susan Riley and Information and Communication TechnologyMinister Marsha Thompson to launch Digital Building Telecommunications Access Guidelineand the Digital River Broadband Technology Suite. Level 8, Casselden Place, 2 LonsdaleStreet. Contact: Fiona Hando 9658 9740 or Josie D'Arino 0421 274 961.

1100 - Victorian Opposition Leader Robert Doyle to launch the Liberal Party's Rural andRegional team. Jindi Cheese, Old Telegraph Road, Jindivick. Contact: Nicholas Tzaferis9651 8781, 0417 256 661.

1430-1630 - Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEAust) National Engineering Week: MelbourneDocklands site visit. 140 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands. Contact: Tania Wishart 9321 1710.

1830 - RMIT University School of Applied Communication public lecture on Politics, Cultureand the Knowledge Economy, Panacea or Myth? RMIT, Casey Plaza Theatre, Building 10, Level4, Swanston Street. Contact: Maya Huxley 9925 5347.

1900 - General Manager Trading TXU Trading Len Gill to speak at Australian Pipeline Industrydinner. Hilton on the Park, Ballroom, 192 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne. 9419 2000.

PERTH0830 - Consumer and Employment Protection Minister John Kobelke and Racing and GamingMinister Nick Griffiths to address the Insurance Council of Australia Western AustraliaConference. Parmelia Hilton Hotel. Contact: Rod Frail 0413 989 897.

SYDNEY0745 - Three international speakers to address the Property Council on private publicpartnerships in practice. Auditorium, Exchange Square, 18 Bridge Street, Sydney. Contact:Kate Jackett 9336 6907, 0413 350 748.

1100 - Readers Digest Magazine Managing Director Paul Heath to announce plans to revitalisethe company. Readers Digest, 26 Waterloo Street, Surry Hills. Contact: Colleen Duffy 96906310.

1600 - Indigenous lawyer Terri Janke to launch the Indigenous Scholarships Appeal Fundfrom the Faculty of Commerce and Economics, University of NSW. National Innovation CentreAtrium, The Technology Park, Redfern. Contact: Libby Greig 0418 194 554.

1730 - Author June Duncan Owen address the Sydney Institute on inter-racial marriagesin Australia. 41 Phillip Street, Sydney. Contact: 9252 3366.

1930 - Anglican Church to hold debate on Atheism versus Christianity: where does the evidencepoint? Sydney Town Hall, Broadway. Contact: Dr William Lane Craig 9281 0160, 0408 976906 or Geoff Robinson 9265 1508, 0403 195 841.

SPORTGALLOPS -KynetonRockhamptonPort MacquarieTROTS -Harold ParkTerangAlbion ParkGlobe DerbyGREYHOUNDS -GosfordWarragulIpswichGawlerLismoreHorshamBeenleighDevonport


MELBOURNE1930 - Long Way to the Top, 30 years of Australian rock live on stage. Rod Laver Arena.

Contact: Julieanne McCormack 02 9331 5276.

AAP Diary Contact: Melissa Jenkins 02 9322 8673, Fax: 02 9322 8679.

AAP mj/was/br


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